
Transform Your smiles with dental veneers

Porcelain veneers can help you look forward to smiling again. Veneers can correct multiple cosmetic issues including cracked, discolored, and crooked teeth. Dr. Walenjus' has substantial experience and skill using veneers and you can be assured of an excellent result that will give you the confidence to show your smile again.

Treatment For Porcelain Veneers

During your initial consultation, our doctors will discuss your desired outcomes and determine if porcelain veneers are the best treatment option for you. We will work closely with you to create mockups that show how your smile will look after the treatment. If you are satisfied and ready to proceed, we will carefully remove the minimum amount of enamel necessary to accommodate the veneers. Using our CEREC machine, we will then create impressions and fabricate your veneers from a single block of porcelain. Thanks to this advanced technology, you can enjoy the benefits of porcelain veneers in just one visit to our office. Once your new restoration is ready, we will bond the veneers to the front surfaces of your teeth, ensuring they closely match the color and texture of your natural teeth for a seamless, natural-looking smile.

Could I Be Considered As A Candidate For Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are a great choice for improving your smile by fixing small cracks, chips, or misaligned teeth. They can enhance your dental appearance and complement your facial features. If you have stubborn intrinsic stains that don't respond to whitening treatments, veneers could be a good solution.

It's important to note that veneers are primarily for cosmetic purposes and won't address major dental issues like decay or tooth loss. Your teeth must be strong enough to support veneers before getting them. Our office will assess your oral health to determine if you are a suitable candidate for veneers. Any existing oral health issues will need to be resolved before beginning the veneer treatment.

Advantages Of Veneers

Veneers offer a natural-looking and durable solution with many benefits for those choosing this treatment. Made from advanced materials that closely resemble natural teeth in color and translucency, veneers can help patients achieve the smile they desire, leading to increased self-esteem. A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) found that individuals who received porcelain veneers reported a significant improvement in confidence and overall quality of life.


Porcelain veneers are made from strong and stain-resistant porcelain material. Unlike porous materials, porcelain does not soak up stains, guaranteeing a lasting and radiant smile. For an even brighter look, think about teeth whitening treatments.

Color Matching

Patients often choose to undergo teeth whitening before getting veneers to ensure a seamless color match. This helps the veneers blend in with the surrounding teeth, which have been brightened to a stunning new shade.

Long Term

Veneers are highly durable and can last up to 10 years with proper maintenance.

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